Ridgecliff Middle School

Managing Head Lice

As always, Ridgecliff Middle School is committed to ensuring the management of Head Lice in school, in accordance with Nova Scotia Health & Wellness Guidelines. 

We acknowledge that head lice are a common condition that can affect anyone. It is recommended that you check your child regularly for the presence of head lice. 

Please take time to read the attached information pamphlet provided by the Nova Scotia Department of Health & Wellness: “How to Prevent, Find and
Treat Head Lice (Available at: http://www.novascotia.ca/dhw/publications/public-healtheducation/07135-head-lice-pamphlet-en.pdf)

You may also contact our School Youth Health Coordinator, Krista (902-876-4381 ext. 1243) with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Thanks you very much for your time and consideration in this matter.